6 Nutrients Proven Beneficial for Macular Degeneration

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is an age-related, progressive, and degenerative condition affecting the central vision region of the retina, the macula. Unfortunately, there are currently no cures for AMD. Current treatments exist for stabilizing wet subtypes of AMD, but for most patients with dry AMD, treatment options are limited. However, there is good news for… Read More
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month

January is glaucoma awareness month, so there is no better time to talk about this common eye affliction. Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss worldwide, second only to cataracts. Unlike cataracts, vision loss from glaucoma is irreversible. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that leads to progressive damage of the optic… Read More
What is Dry Eye?

As the colder, drier weather sets in, many of us will notice the drying effect on our eyes. Nearly 50% of American adults experience dry eye symptoms at least occasionally. Women are twice as likely as men to have this problem, with increasing age being the greatest risk factor. Dry eye complaints are one of… Read More
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month

Vision plays an important role in your child’s physical, mental, and social development. Uncorrected vision problems can impair child development, interfere with learning, and even lead to permanent vision loss. Early detection and treatment of eye problems are critical. Make sure your child’s healthcare provider, educator, or public health program completes regular vision screenings. Take… Read More
Eye Injury Prevention

It’s summer in Wisconsin again, and all of us are trying to make the most of the beautiful weather. After all, living in Wisconsin, we know that winter is always right around the corner. With the increase in outdoor activities also comes increased risk of eye injury. Summer sports, lawn care, gardening, and fireworks displays… Read More
June is Cataract Awareness Month

Are you finding small print more difficult to read, especially without good lighting? Are you struggling more to make out street signs when driving? Does the glare from headlights and streetlights bother you and even make you feel unsafe when driving after dark? These are some of the most common complaints reported by patients with… Read More
Eye Allergies

Spring has arrived in Milwaukee! I hope each of you are able to get out and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine. Many of you will also find that your eyes will become itchy and watery this time of year. These symptoms are very commonly due to allergies. Allergies affect approximately 40% of the U.S…. Read More
Eye Drops – Tips to Increase Effectiveness

Your eye doctor has the ability to treat a wide variety of problems with medications. The amazing thing is that these prescriptions can be delivered directly to your eye in the form of drops. These drops help to maximize the beneficial effect on your eye and minimize the side effects on the rest of your… Read More
5 Eye Problems Caused by Oil Gland Dysfunction

Did you know that you have approximately 75 oil glands in the eyelids of each eye? These glands are called Meibomian glands and are located just behind the eyelash follicles. Their important role is to secret Miebum, which is oil, into your tear film. When the Meibomian glands are dysfunctional, this places you at risk… Read More
Tyler’s LASIK Story!

It’s been a couple weeks since we saw our LASIK contest winner Tyler for his one day post-operative appointment! We’ve checked back with him to hear about his LASIK experience. If you have ever considered getting LASIK you’re going want to keep reading…Tyler is going to walk us through the process from start to finish!… Read More