What to Look for in a LASIK Surgeon

Have you ever wondered if you can have LASIK? Do you know that you are a good candidate, but aren’t sure where to go or how to proceed with LASIK? There are so many different eye doctors offering LASIK, how do you know their qualifications? There are so many different questions to ask. If you… Read More
June is Cataract Awareness Month
Cataracts are such a prevalent vision problem – nearly everyone gets them sooner or later! Here are some of our most commonly asked questions about cataracts. Is cataract surgery covered by insurance? Yes, cataract surgery is medically necessary, so insurance companies do cover the surgery. Each insurance plan is unique though, so make sure you… Read More
Springtime Is Here
The snow has melted, heavy winter clothing is put away, snow blowers are back in storage… Time to get the garden supplies ready, prep the lawn mower and watch the children run around outside. Despite the fun and excitement, for some of us springtime also brings the redness, tearing, and itching of allergic conjunctivitis. Many… Read More
What Makes Someone A Good LASIK Candidate?
What makes someone a good LASIK candidate? There are naturally many factors to consider. At Milwaukee Eye Care, we offer laser vision correction consultations visits at no charge for prospective patients. When you see us for this consultation visit, we look at the power of the glasses or contacts you currently wear to consider the… Read More
March is Eye Donor Awareness Month
It goes without saying that organ donation is an important decision and one of the most fulfilling ways of “paying it forward.” Signing the organ donor card is not a pointless endeavor – it really does make a difference for so many lives and so many reasons. Everyone is aware of the most common types… Read More
Glasses for treating Glaucoma?
As always, here at Milwaukee Eye Care, we are hard at work keeping up with the latest technology in eye care. Today is no exception, and the hot topic is that a revolutionary way to treat glaucoma is in the works! Glaucoma is a condition which results in loss of optic nerve tissue over time,… Read More
Tips for choosing the right surgeon for your situation
So it turns out that you need cataract surgery. Maybe you’ve known for a long time and delayed the decision to have surgery or perhaps you’ve recently been diagnosed and told you need to have surgery soon. The prospect of having surgery on your eyes can seem very scary. You might ask yourself how you… Read More
Winter Weather Dry Eye Wonderland
How beautiful it is that we get 4 amazing seasons. Each season brings with it fun and beauty, but many of us deal with seasonal allergies and dread the onslaught of the spring, summer, and fall blooms. Oh how great winter is, with most of the causes of allergies buried under mounds of snow. Suddenly,… Read More
Eye Tips for a Safe Holiday!
The Holiday Season is in full swing. Children are brainstorming their lists for Santa Claus and parents everywhere are checking ads for the best prices. It is a fun yet stressful time of year for everyone. Many questions run through our minds. Did you buy the perfect gift for your son/daughter? Will they use this… Read More
Technology helping vision!
With technology ever-evolving, the companies that produce our smartphones, tablets and laptops are rising to meet the demands of their more health conscious consumers. Some of the features offered to ease our visual workload are the text-to-speech option, text font enlargement, and blue light filtration. The first 2 features are self explanatory, but what is blue light filtration and why should you consider… Read More