How to Prepare Your Eyes for Cataract Surgery with Milwaukee Eye Care

If you’ve recently scheduled cataract surgery with one of our surgeons at Milwaukee Eye Care, congratulations on being one step closer to clearer vision! We want your experience to be a smooth and positive one. While cataract surgery is something very routine to our doctors and staff, we know that this is a once in… Read More
Uncovering the Facts Behind Cataract Surgery

A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens of the eye and is a normal part of aging. Once the lens becomes cloudy and reduces vision, the only way to restore vision is surgical removal of the cataract. Cataract surgery is the most commonly performed outpatient surgery in the United States. Because cataract formation… Read More
Will I Still Need Glasses After Cataract Surgery?

The short answer is maybe, and depends primarily on the type of lens implant you select. Cataract development is a universal part of aging. When the eye’s natural lens becomes cloudy over time and affects the quality of vision this is referred to as a cataract. Once your eye doctor has examined you and found… Read More
June is Cataract Awareness Month

Are you finding small print more difficult to read, especially without good lighting? Are you struggling more to make out street signs when driving? Does the glare from headlights and streetlights bother you and even make you feel unsafe when driving after dark? These are some of the most common complaints reported by patients with… Read More
June is Cataract Awareness Month
Cataracts are such a prevalent vision problem – nearly everyone gets them sooner or later! Here are some of our most commonly asked questions about cataracts. Is cataract surgery covered by insurance? Yes, cataract surgery is medically necessary, so insurance companies do cover the surgery. Each insurance plan is unique though, so make sure you… Read More
Tips for choosing the right surgeon for your situation
So it turns out that you need cataract surgery. Maybe you’ve known for a long time and delayed the decision to have surgery or perhaps you’ve recently been diagnosed and told you need to have surgery soon. The prospect of having surgery on your eyes can seem very scary. You might ask yourself how you… Read More
Stem Cell therapy replacing IOLs for cataract surgery
Stem cell therapy is the pathway through which many researchers are exploring new ways to heal the human body of its many ailments. Stem cell treatments are even being developed to address eye problems. There have been multiple studies on stem cell treatment of eye conditions such as Amblyopia (Lazy Eye), Macular Degeneration and Glaucoma…. Read More
Can I fly after my eye surgery?
Spring and Summer will be here before we know it and with the lovely weather comes travel and vacation plans. Sometimes life interferes and foils our itinerary. We can never predict when a medical condition might pop up and cause us to rethink travel plans. It is common for us to field questions regarding travel… Read More
Oldest Practice With Newest Technology
Milwaukee Eye Care is the oldest ophthalmic office in the Milwaukee Area, but you will find leading edge technology here. We are proud to be the first to offer Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery in the Milwaukee Area and it’s got great advantages for our patients. Laser Assisted Cataract Surgery results in more precise intraocular lens… Read More
Season of Giving
The holidays inspire us to give in many ways. Dr. Peter Foote and Dr. David Weis recently traveled to the island of Nevis to do just that: give of their expertise to people in need of vision care, especially cataract surgery. Dr. David Weis saw patients both before and after cataract surgery and describes it… Read More