Eye Allergies

Spring has arrived in Milwaukee! I hope each of you are able to get out and enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine. Many of you will also find that your eyes will become itchy and watery this time of year. These symptoms are very commonly due to allergies. Allergies affect approximately 40% of the U.S…. Read More
Eye Drops – Tips to Increase Effectiveness

Your eye doctor has the ability to treat a wide variety of problems with medications. The amazing thing is that these prescriptions can be delivered directly to your eye in the form of drops. These drops help to maximize the beneficial effect on your eye and minimize the side effects on the rest of your… Read More
5 Eye Problems Caused by Oil Gland Dysfunction

Did you know that you have approximately 75 oil glands in the eyelids of each eye? These glands are called Meibomian glands and are located just behind the eyelash follicles. Their important role is to secret Miebum, which is oil, into your tear film. When the Meibomian glands are dysfunctional, this places you at risk… Read More
Winter Weather Dry Eye Wonderland
How beautiful it is that we get 4 amazing seasons. Each season brings with it fun and beauty, but many of us deal with seasonal allergies and dread the onslaught of the spring, summer, and fall blooms. Oh how great winter is, with most of the causes of allergies buried under mounds of snow. Suddenly,… Read More
Eye Tips for a Safe Holiday!
The Holiday Season is in full swing. Children are brainstorming their lists for Santa Claus and parents everywhere are checking ads for the best prices. It is a fun yet stressful time of year for everyone. Many questions run through our minds. Did you buy the perfect gift for your son/daughter? Will they use this… Read More
Be in the Know About Insurance Coverage
“Am I covered for my routine eye exam? I do have medical insurance.” This is a very common question. Insurance coverage can be very confusing! There are so many different types of plans, and vision coverage can be tricky to understand. Let’s try to clarify a few key points. The key to determining whether medical… Read More
August is Children’s Eye Safety/Health Month
School is right around the corner and it’s time for back-to-school readiness. Think seriously about adding “eye exam” to your list of things to do before school starts. Why start the school year with a visual disadvantage – difficulty seeing the board, squinting, coming home with headaches, maybe even getting poor grades? So before the… Read More
What is this stye by my eye? OH MY!
What is this bump on my eyelid? A stye, sometimes called a hordeolum, is usually caused by a bacterial infection in the eyelid. It is characterized by a small, red, painful bump in the eyelid, near the base of the eyelashes. There are 2 types of hordeola, internal and external. An internal hordeolum is located… Read More
May is Healthy Vision Month
1. Get Early Intervention – Jump the gun and stay ahead of the game. Schedule eye exams regularly in order to catch problems early. 2. Know your Provider – Before your eye exam, get to know the person you are trusting with your health. Take advantage of online tools to learn about your Optometrist or… Read More
Eye Health of the American Presidents
For months now, every time we turn on the television, radio or computer, we are flooded with political news. During this election season, with presidents on my mind, I decided to research eye conditions our previous presidents have had. Amazingly enough, I was able to find information on presidents way back in the days of… Read More